SIUe - Computational Statistics (STAT 575) - Problem Set 2
Problem 1
Derive the E-M algorithm for right-censored normal data with known variance, say \(2 = 1\). Consider \(Y_i\)’s that are i.i.d. from a \(N(\theta, 1)\), \(i=1,2\ldots, n\). We observe \((x_1, \ldots, x_n)\) and \((\delta_1, \ldots, \delta_n)\), where \(x_i = \min(y_i,c)\), and \(\delta_i = I(y_i < c)\). Let \(C\) be the total number of censored (incomplete) observations. We denote the missing data as \(\{Z_i : \delta_i = 0\}\).
Part (a)
Derive the complete log-likelihood, \(\ell(\theta | Y)\).
The unobserved random variates \(\{Y_i\}\) are i.i.d. normally distributed, \[ Y_i \sim f_{Y_i}(y | \theta) \] where \[ f_{Y_i}(y | \theta) = (2 \pi)^{-\frac{1}{2}} \exp\left(-\frac{1}{2}(y - \theta)^2\right). \]
The likelihood function is therefore \[\begin{align} L(\theta | \{y_i\}) &= \prod_{i=1}^{n} (2 \pi)^{-\frac{1}{2}} \exp\left(-\frac{1}{2}(y_i - \theta)^2\right)\\ &= (2 \pi)^{-\frac{n}{2}} \exp\left(-\sum_{i=1}^{n} \frac{1}{2}(y_i - \theta)^2\right). \end{align}\]
Taking the logarithm of \(L\), \[\begin{align} \ell(\theta | \{y_i\}) &= \log L(\theta | \{y_i\})\\ &= -\frac{n}{2} \log (2 \pi) - \frac{1}{2} \sum_{i=1}^{n} (y_i - \theta)^2\\ &= -\frac{n}{2} \log (2 \pi) - \frac{1}{2} \sum_{i=1}^{n} y_i^2 + \theta \sum_{i=1}^{n} y_i - \frac{n}{2} \theta^2. \end{align}\]
Anticipating that we will be maximizing the complete log-likelihood with respect to \(\theta\), we put any terms that are not a function of \(\theta\) into \(k\), obtaining the result \[ \ell(\theta | \{y_i\}) = k + \theta \sum_{i=1}^{n} y_i - \frac{n}{2} \theta^2. \]
Part (b)
Show the conditional expectation \[ E(Y | x, \delta=1, \theta^{(t)}) = x \] and \[ E(Y | x, \delta=0, \theta^{(t)}) = E(Y | Y > x) = \theta^{(t)} + \frac{\phi(x-\mu)}{1 - \Phi(x-\mu)} \] where \(\phi\) and \(\Phi\) are pdf and cdf of standard normal.
The distribution of \(Y\) given \(\delta = 1\), is uncensored and therefore it is given that \(Y\) realized the value \(x\). Since the expectation of a constant \(x\) is \(x\), that means \(E(Y | Y = x) = x\).
If \(\delta = 0\), \(Y\) is censored, i.e., \(Y > x\). To take its expectation, we first need to derive the conditional conditional distribution of \(Y\) given \(Y > x\) and \(\theta^{(t)}\).
The probability \(\Pr(Y \leq y | Y > x)\) is given by \[ \Pr(Y \leq y | Y > x) = \Pr(x < Y \leq y) / \Pr(Y > x) \] which may be rewritten as \[ \Pr(Y \leq y | Y > x) = \frac{F_Y(y | \theta^{(t)}) - F_Y(x | \theta^{(t)})}{1 - F_Y(y | \theta^{(t)})}. \] where \(F_{Y|\theta^{(t)}}\) is the cdf of the normal distribution with \(\sigma=1\) and \(\mu=\theta^{(t)}\).
We may rewrite \(F_{Y|\theta^{(t)}}\) in terms of the standard normal, \[ F_{Y}(y|\theta^{(t)}) = \Phi(y - \theta^{(t)}), \] and thus we may rewrite the conditional distribution of \(Y | Y > x\) as \[ \Pr(Y \leq y | Y > x) = \frac{\Phi(y - \theta^{(t)}) - \Phi(x - \theta^{(t)})}{1 - \Phi(x - \theta^{(t)})} \] and thus after further simplifying, we obtain the cdf of \(Y | x\), \[ F_{Y|x}(y|\theta^{(t)}) = 1 - \frac{1- \Phi(y - \theta^{(t)})}{1 - \Phi(x - \theta^{(t)})} \] which has a density given by \[ f_{Y}(y|x,\theta^{(t)}) = \frac{\phi(y - \theta^{(t)})}{1 - \Phi(x - \theta^{(t)})} I(y > x). \]
The expectation of \(Y|(x,\theta^{(t)})\) is given by \[\begin{align} E(Y|x,\theta^{(t)}) &= \int_{x}^{\infty} y f_{Y}(y|x,\theta^{(t)}) dy\\ &= \int_{x}^{\infty} y \left(\frac{\phi(y - \theta^{(t)})}{1 - \Phi(x - \theta^{(t)})}\right) dy\\ &= \frac{1}{{1 - \Phi(x - \theta^{(t)})}}\int_{x}^{\infty} y \phi(y - \theta^{(t)}) dy. \end{align}\]
Analytically, this is a tricky integration problem. Certainly, it would be trivial to numerically integrate this to obtain a solution, but we seek a closed-form solution.
I searched online, and discovered an interesting way to tackle this integration problem.
Let \(f\) and \(F\) respectively denote the pdf and cdf of the normally distributed \(Y\). Then, \[ \frac{df}{dy} = -(y - \theta) f(y) \] and \[ \int_{a}^{b} \frac{df}{dy} dy = f(b) - f(a). \]
Then, \[\begin{align} E(Y|x,\theta^{(t)}) &= \frac{1}{1 - F(x)}\int_{x}^{\infty} y f(y) dy\\ &= -\frac{1}{1 - F(x)}\int_{x}^{\infty} - (y -\theta^{(t)}) f(y) dy + \frac{\theta^{(t)}}{1-F(x)}\int_{x}^{\infty} f(y) dy\\ &= -\frac{1}{1 - F(x)}\int_{x}^{\infty} \frac{df}{dy} dy + \frac{\theta^{(t)}}{1-F(x)} (1-F(x))\\ &= -\frac{1}{1 - F(x)}\left(f(\infty) - f(x)\right) + \theta^{(t)}\\ &= \frac{f(x)}{1 - F(x)} + \theta^{(t)}. \end{align}\]
We may rewrite the last line as \[ E(Y|x,\theta^{(t)}) = \theta^{(t)} + \frac{\phi(x-\theta^{(t)})}{1 - \Phi(x-\theta^{(t)})}. \]
Part (c)
Derive the \(E\)-step and \(M\)-step using parts (a) and (b). Give the updating equation.
The \(E\)-step entails taking the conditional expectation of the complete log-likelihood function \(\ell(\theta | \{Y_i\})\) given the observed data \(\{x_i\}\) and \(\{\delta_i\}\).
\[\begin{align} Q(\theta | \theta^{(t)}) &= E_{Y_i | x_i,\delta_i}(\ell(\theta | \{Y_i\})\\ &= E_{Y_i | x_i,\delta_i}\left(k + \theta \sum_{i=1}^{n} Y_i - \frac{n}{2} \theta^2\right)\\ &= k - \frac{n}{2}\theta^2 + \theta \sum_{i=1}^{n} E_{Y_i | x_i,\delta_i}(Y_i). \end{align}\]
We have already solved the expectation of \(Y_i\) given \(x_i\) and \(\delta_i\). We rewrite \(Q\) by substituting \(E(Y_i | x_i, \delta_i)\) with its previously found solution, \[ Q(\theta | \theta^{(t)}) = k - \frac{n}{2}\theta^2 + \theta \sum_{i=1}^{n} \delta_i x_i + (1-\delta_i) \left(\theta^{(t)} + \frac{\phi(x_i-\theta^{(t)})}{1 - \Phi(x_i-\theta^{(t)})}\right). \]
Letting \(C = \sum_{i=1}^{n} (1 - \delta_i)\), \(R = \sum_{i=1}^{n} \delta_i x_i\), and separating out all terms that are independent of \(\theta^{(t)}\), \[ Q(\theta | \theta^{(t)}) = k - \frac{n}{2}\theta^2 + C \theta \theta^{(t)} + R \theta + \theta \sum_{i=1}^{n} \frac{(1-\delta_i)\phi(x_i-\theta^{(t)})}{1 - \Phi(x_i-\theta^{(t)})}. \]
We wish to solve \[ \theta^{(t+1)} = \operatorname{arg\,max}_{\theta} Q(\theta | \theta^{(t)}). \] by solving \[ \left. \frac{d Q(\theta | \theta^{(t)})}{d \theta} \right\vert_{\theta=\theta^{(t+1)}} = 0, \] which may be written as \[ -n\theta^{(t+1)} + C \theta^{(t)} + R + \sum_{i=1}^{n} \frac{(1-\delta_i)\phi(x_i-\theta^{(t)})}{1 - \Phi(x_i-\theta^{(t)})} = 0. \]
Solving for \(\theta^{(t+1)}\) obtains the updating equation \[ \theta^{(t+1)} = \frac{R}{n} + \frac{C}{n} \theta^{(t)} + \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^{n}\frac{(1-\delta_i)\phi(x_i-\theta^{(t)})}{1 - \Phi(x_i-\theta^{(t)})}. \] where \[ R = \sum_{i=1}^{n} \delta_i x_i \] and \[ C = \sum_{i=1}^{n} (1-\delta_i). \]
Part (d)
Use your algorithm on the V.A. data to find the MLE of \(\mu\). Take the log of the event times first and standardize by sample standard deviation. You may simply use the censored data sample mean as your starting value.
In the following R code, we implement the updating equation derived in the previous step. We encapulsate the procedure into a function that takes its arguments in the form of a censored set, uncensorted set, starting value (\(\theta^{(1)}\)), and an \(\epsilon\) value to control stopping condition.
# assuming the uncensored and censored data are distributed normally,
# we use the EM algorithm to derive an estimator given censored and uncensored
# data.
mean_normal_censored_estimator_em <- function(uncensored,censored,theta,eps=1e-6,debug=T)
dev <- sd(log(c(uncensored,censored)))
censored <- log(censored) / dev
uncensored <- log(uncensored) / dev
theta <- log(theta) / dev
n <- length(censored) + length(uncensored)
C <- length(censored)
R <- sum(uncensored)
s <- function(theta)
sum <- 0
for (i in 1:C)
num <- dnorm(censored[i],mean=theta,sd=1)
denom <- 1-pnorm(censored[i],mean=theta,sd=1)
sum <- sum + (num / denom)
i <- 1
{ <- R/n + C/n * theta + (1/n)*s(theta)
if (debug==T) { cat("theta[", i, "] =",theta,", theta[", i+1, "] =",,"\n") }
if (abs( - theta) < eps)
theta <- * dev
theta <- exp(theta)
i <- i + 1
theta <-
We apply this procedure to the indicated data set.
library(MASS) # has VA data
VAs <- subset(VA,prior==0)
censored <- VAs$status == 0
censored_xs <- VAs[censored,c("stime")]
uncensored_xs <- VAs[!censored,c("stime")]
mu <- mean(uncensored_xs)
cat("mean of the uncensored sample is ", mu, ".")
## mean of the uncensored sample is 112.1648 .
sol <- mean_normal_censored_estimator_em(uncensored_xs,censored_xs,mu)
## theta[ 1 ] = 3.857928 , theta[ 2 ] = 3.424258
## theta[ 2 ] = 3.424258 , theta[ 3 ] = 3.415443
## theta[ 3 ] = 3.415443 , theta[ 4 ] = 3.415286
## theta[ 4 ] = 3.415286 , theta[ 5 ] = 3.415283
## theta[ 5 ] = 3.415283 , theta[ 6 ] = 3.415283
## [1] 65.2625
We see that our estimate of \(\theta\) is \(\hat{\theta} = 65.2624985\). (The \(\theta\) before transforming it to the appropriate scale was \(3.415283\).)
This mean is somewhat lower than anticipated, which makes me suspect something is wrong with my updating equation. If I have the time, I will revisit it.
Problem 2
Problem 4.2
Part (a)
There are \(N=1500\) gay men in the survey sample where \(X_i\) denotes the \(i\)-th persons response to the number of risky sexual encounters he had in the previous \(30\) days. Thus, we observe a sample \(\vec{X} = (X_1,X_2,\ldots, X_N)\).
We assume there are \(3\) groups in the population, denoted by \(z=1\), \(t=2\), and \(p=3\). Group \(1\) members report \(0\) risky sexual encounters regardless of the truth where the probability of being a member of group \(1\) is denoted by \(\alpha\),
Group \(2\) members accurately report risky sexual encounters and represent typical behavior where the probability of being a member of group \(2\) is denoted by \(\beta\). We assume this group’s number of sexual encounters follows a poisson with mean \(\mu\).
Group \(3\) members accurately report risky sexual encounters and represent high-risk behavior where the probability of being a member of group \(3\) is \(\gamma = 1-\alpha-\beta\). We assume this group’s number of sexual encounters follows a poisson with mean \(\lambda\).
This represents a finite mixture model with a pdf \[ X_i \sim f(x | \vec{\theta}) = \alpha I(x=0) + \beta \operatorname{POI}(x | \mu) + (1-\alpha-\beta)\operatorname{POI}(x | \lambda) \] with a parameter vector \[ \vec{\theta} = (\alpha,\beta,\mu,\lambda)'. \]
Let the uncertain group that the \(i\)-th person belongs to be denoted by \(Z_i\). If we observe group membership data, \(X_i | Z_i = z_i\), then \[\begin{align} X_i | Z_i &= 1 \sim I(x=0),\\ X_i | Z_i &= 2 \sim \operatorname{POI}(\mu),\\ X_i | Z_i &= 3 \sim \operatorname{POI}(\lambda), \end{align}\] where \[ Z_i \sim f_{Z_i}(z_i | \vec{\theta}) = \Pr(Z_i=z_i) = \begin{cases} \alpha & z_i = 1,\\ \beta & z_i = 2,\\ \gamma=1-\alpha-\beta & z_i = 3, \end{cases} \] and thus \[ f_{X_i,Z_i}(x_i,z_i | \vec{\theta}) = \alpha I(z_i = 1) + \beta \operatorname{POI}(\mu) I(z_i = 2) + (1-\alpha-\beta) \operatorname{POI}(\lambda) I(z_i=3). \]
The likelihood function is thus given by \[ \mathcal{L}(\vec{\theta} | \vec{X}, \vec{Z}) = \prod_{i=1}^{N} f_{X_i,Z_i}(x_i,z_i | \vec{\theta}), \] which may be rewritten as \[ \mathcal{L}(\vec{\theta} | \vec{X}, \vec{Z}) = \left(\prod_{\{i | z_i = 1\}} \alpha I(x_i=0)\right) \left(\prod_{\{i | z_i = 2\}} \beta \frac{\mu^{x_i} e^{-\mu}}{x_i!}\right) \left(\prod_{\{i | z_i = 3\}} \gamma \frac{\lambda^{x_i} e^{-\lambda}}{x_i!}\right). \]
We wish to rewrite this so that the data is explicitly represented. First, we do the transformation \[ \mathcal{L}(\vec{\theta} | \vec{X}, \vec{Z}) = \left(\prod_{\{i | z_i = 1, x_i = 0 \}} \alpha\right) \prod_{k=0}^{16} \left(\prod_{\{i | z_i = 2, x_i = k\}} \beta \frac{\mu^{k} e^{-\mu}}{k!}\right) \prod_{k=0}^{16} \left(\prod_{\{i | z_i = 3, x_i = k\}} \gamma \frac{\lambda^{k} e^{-\lambda}}{k!}\right). \]
We let \(n_{a,b}\) denote the (unobserved) cardinality of \(\{i | z_i = a, x_i = b\}\), thus \[ \mathcal{L}(\vec{\theta} | \{n_{j,k}\}) = \alpha^{n_{1,0}} \prod_{k=0}^{16} \beta^{n_{2,k}} \frac{\mu^{k n_{2,k}} e^{-\mu n_{2,k}}}{(k!)^{n_{2,k}}} \prod_{k=0}^{16} \gamma^{n_{3,k}} \frac{\lambda^{k n_{3,k}} e^{-\lambda n_{3,k}}}{(k!)^{n_{3,k}}} \] is the complete likelihood. The complete log-likelihood is thus \[ \ell(\vec{\theta} | \{n_{j,k}\}) = n_{1,0} \log \alpha + \sum_{k=0}^{16} \log \left(\beta^{n_{2,k}} \frac{\mu^{k n_{2,k}} e^{-\mu n_{2,k}}}{(k!)^{n_{2,k}}}\right) + \sum_{k=0}^{16} \log \left(\gamma^{n_{3,k}} \frac{\lambda^{k n_{3,k}} e^{-\lambda n_{3,k}}}{(k!)^{n_{3,k}}}\right) \] which simplies to \[\begin{equation} \begin{split} \ell(\vec{\theta} | \{n_{j,k}\}) = n_{1,0} \log \alpha + \sum_{k=0}^{16} &n_{2,k}(\log \beta + k \log \mu - \mu - \log k!) + \\ &n_{3,k}(\log \gamma + k \log \lambda - \lambda - \log k!). \end{split} \end{equation}\]
Anticipating taking \(\frac{d \ell}{d \vec{\theta}}\) to solve for the maximum of the log-likelihood, we remove any terms that are not a function of \(\vec{\theta}\), resulting in the kernel \[ \ell(\vec{\theta} | \{n_{j,k}\}) = n_{1,0} \log \alpha + \sum_{k=0}^{16} \left\{ n_{2,k}(\log \beta + k \log \mu - \mu) + n_{3,k}(\log \gamma + k \log \lambda - \lambda) \right\}. \]
The conditional expectation to solve in the EM algorithm is given by \[ Q(\vec{\theta} | \vec{\theta}^{(t)}) = E(\ell(\vec{\theta})) \] where \(\{n_{k,j}\}\) are random and \(\{n_j\}\) and \(\vec{\theta}^{(t)}\) are given. We rewrite this as \[ Q(\vec{\theta} | \vec{\theta}^{(t)}) = E \left( n_{1,0} \log \alpha + \sum_{k=0}^{16} \left\{ n_{2,k}(\log \beta + k \log \mu - \mu) + n_{3,k}(\log \gamma + k \log \lambda - \lambda) \right\} \right). \]
Using the linearity of expectations, we rewrite the above to \[ Q(\vec{\theta} | \vec{\theta}^{(t)}) = E(n_{1,0}) \log \alpha + \sum_{k=0}^{16} \left\{ E(n_{2,k})(\log \beta + k \log \mu - \mu) + E(n_{3,k})(\log \gamma + k \log \lambda - \lambda) \right\} \] given \(\{n_j\}\) and \(\theta^{(t)}\).
Consider \(E\!\left(n_{2,k} | \{n_j\}, \theta^{(t)}\right)\). To solve this expectation, we must first derive the distribution of \(n_{2,k}\).
Suppose \(x_j = k\), then probability that the \(j\)-th person belongs to group \(2\) is given by \[ \Pr(Z_j = 2 | x_j = k) = \Pr(Z_j = 2) \Pr(x_j = k | Z_j = 2) / \Pr(x_j = k). \] We note that \(\Pr(x_j = k)\) is equivalent to \(\pi_k(\vec{\theta})\), \(\Pr(Z_j = 2)\) is the definition of \(\beta\), and \(\Pr(x_j = k | Z_j = 2)\) is \(f_{X_j|Z_j}(k | Z_j=2) = \operatorname{POI}(k | \mu)\).
Making the substitutions yields the result \[ t_k(\vec{\theta}) = \Pr(Z_j = 2 | x_j = k) = \beta \operatorname{POI}(k | \mu) / \pi_k(\vec{\theta}). \]
Assuming \(\{X_i\}\) are i.i.d., observe that \(k \neq 0\), the distribution of \(n_{2,k}\) given \(n_k\), \(\theta^{(t)}\) is binomial distributed with a probability of success \(t_k(\vec{\theta}^{(t)})\). Thus, \[ E(n_{2,k}) = n_k t_k(\vec{\theta}^{(t)}). \] The same logic holds for \(n_{3,k}\) and \(n_{1,0}\), and thus \[ E(n_{3,k}) = n_k p_k(\vec{\theta}^{(t)}) \] and \[ E(n_{1,0}) = n_0 z_0(\vec{\theta}^{(t)}), \] which means \[ Q(\vec{\theta} | \vec{\theta}^{(t)}) = n_0 z_0(\vec{\theta}^{(t)}) \log \alpha + \sum_{k=0}^{16} \left\{ n_k t_k(\vec{\theta}^{(t)})(\log \beta + k \log \mu - \mu) + n_k p_k(\vec{\theta}^{(t)})(\log \gamma + k \log \lambda - \lambda) \right\} \]
We wish to solve \[ \vec{\theta}^{(t+1)} = \operatorname{arg\,max}_{\vec{\theta}} Q(\vec{\theta} | \vec{\theta}^{(t)}). \] by solving \[ \left. \nabla Q(\vec{\theta} | \vec{\theta}^{(t)}) \right\vert_{\vec{\theta}=\vec{\theta}^{(t+1)}} = \vec{0}. \]
We use the Lagrangian to impose the restriction \(\alpha + \beta + \gamma = 1\), thus we seek to perform the constrained maximization of \[ Q_l(\vec{\theta},c | \vec{\theta}^{(t)}) = Q(\vec{\theta} | \vec{\theta}^{(t)}) + c(1-\alpha-\beta-\gamma). \]
Thus, when we solve for \(\alpha\), \[ \frac{\partial Q_l}{\partial \alpha} = \frac{n_0 z_0(\theta^{(t)})}{\alpha} - c = 0, \] we get the result \[ \alpha^{(t+1)} = \frac{1}{c} n_0 z_0(\theta^{(t)}). \]
Similar results hold for \(\beta\) and \(\gamma\), obtaining \[ \beta^{(t+1)} = \frac{1}{c} \sum_{k=0}^{16} n_k t_k(\theta^{(t)}). \] and \[ \gamma^{(t+1)} = \frac{1}{c} \sum_{k=0}^{16} n_k p_k(\theta^{(t)}). \]
This does not look too promising until we realize that \[ n_0 z_0(\theta^{(t)}) + \sum_{k=0}^{16} n_k t_k(\theta^{(t)}) + \sum_{k=0}^{16} n_k p_k(\theta^{(t)}) = N. \]
Thus, \(c (\alpha^{(t)}+\beta^{(t)}+\gamma^{(t)}) = N\), which means \(c = N\) since \(\alpha^{(t)}+\beta^{(t)}+\gamma^{(t)} = 1\). Making this substitution obtains the result \[\begin{align} \alpha^{(t+1)} &= \frac{1}{N} n_0 z_0(\theta^{(t)})\\ \beta^{(t+1)} &= \frac{1}{N} \sum_{k=0}^{16} n_k t_k(\theta^{(t)})\\ \gamma^{(t+1)} &= \frac{1}{N} \sum_{k=0}^{16} n_k p_k(\theta^{(t)}). \end{align}\]
Solving an estimator for \(\mu\) at iteration \((t+1)\), \[\begin{align} \left. \frac{\partial Q_l}{\partial \mu} \right\vert_{\mu=\mu^{(t+1}} &= 0\\ \sum_{k=0}^{16} n_k t_k(\theta^{(t)})(k/\mu^{(t+1)}-1) &= 0\\ \frac{1}{\mu^{(t+1)}} \sum_{k=0}^{16} n_k t_k(\theta^{(t)}) k &= \sum_{k=0}^{16} n_k t_k(\theta^{(t)})\\ \mu^{(t+1)} &= \frac{\sum_{k=0}^{16} k n_k t_k(\theta^{(t)})}{\sum_{k=0}^{16} n_k t_k(\theta^{(t)})}. \end{align}\]
The same derivation essentially follows for \(\lambda\), and thus \[ \lambda^{(t+1)} = \frac{\sum_{k=0}^{16} k n_k p_k(\theta^{(t)})}{\sum_{k=0}^{16} n_k p_k(\theta^{(t)})}. \]
Part (b)
Estimate the parameters of the model, using the observed data.
# we observe n = (n0,n1,...,n16)
ns <- c(379,299,222,145,109,95,73,59,45,30,24,12,4,2,0,1,1)
N <- sum(ns)
# theta := (alpha, beta, mu, lambda)'
# note that there is an implicit parameter gamma s.t.
# alpha + beta + gamma = 1
# the initial value assumes each category z, t, or p
# is equally probable, and so we let
# (alpha^(0),beta^(0)) = (1/3,1/3)
# and mu^(0) and lambda^(0) are just arbitrarily chosen to be 2 and 3,
# with the insight that group 3 is more risky than group 2.
theta <- c(1/3,1/3,2,3)
# theta := (alpha, beta, mu, lambda)
Pi <- function(i,theta)
res <- 0
if (i == 0)
res <- theta[1]
res <- res + theta[2] * theta[3]^i * exp(-theta[3])
res <- res + (1 - theta[1] - theta[2]) * theta[4]^i * exp(-theta[4])
z0 <- function(theta)
theta[1] / Pi(0,theta)
t <- function(i,theta)
theta[2] * theta[3]^i * exp(-theta[3]) / Pi(i,theta)
p <- function(i,theta)
(1-theta[1] - theta[2]) * theta[4]^i * exp(-theta[4]) / Pi(i,theta)
# update algorithm, based on EM algorithm
update <- function(theta,ns)
# note: n0 := ns[1] instead of ns[0] since R does not use zero-based indexes
alpha <- ns[1] * z0(theta) / N
beta <- 0
mu_num <- 0
mu_denom <- 0
lam_num <- 0
lam_denom <- 0
for (i in 0:16)
ti <- t(i,theta)
pi <- p(i,theta)
beta <- beta + ns[i+1] * ti
mu_num <- mu_num + i * ns[i+1] * ti
mu_denom <- mu_denom + ns[i+1] * ti
lam_num <- lam_num + i * ns[i+1] * pi
lam_denom <- lam_denom + ns[i+1] * pi
beta <- beta / N
mu <- mu_num / mu_denom
lam <- lam_num / lam_denom
em <- function(theta,ns,steps=10000,debug=T)
for(i in 1:steps)
theta = update(theta,ns)
if (debug==T)
if (i %% 1000 == 0) { cat("iteration =",i," theta = (",theta,")'\n") }
# solution theta = (alpha, beta, mu, lambda)
sol <- em(theta,ns,10000,T)
## iteration = 1000 theta = ( 0.1221661 0.5625419 1.467475 5.938889 )'
## iteration = 2000 theta = ( 0.1221661 0.5625419 1.467475 5.938889 )'
## iteration = 3000 theta = ( 0.1221661 0.5625419 1.467475 5.938889 )'
## iteration = 4000 theta = ( 0.1221661 0.5625419 1.467475 5.938889 )'
## iteration = 5000 theta = ( 0.1221661 0.5625419 1.467475 5.938889 )'
## iteration = 6000 theta = ( 0.1221661 0.5625419 1.467475 5.938889 )'
## iteration = 7000 theta = ( 0.1221661 0.5625419 1.467475 5.938889 )'
## iteration = 8000 theta = ( 0.1221661 0.5625419 1.467475 5.938889 )'
## iteration = 9000 theta = ( 0.1221661 0.5625419 1.467475 5.938889 )'
## iteration = 10000 theta = ( 0.1221661 0.5625419 1.467475 5.938889 )'
We see that the solution is \(0.1221661, 0.5625419, 1.4674746, 5.9388889\).
Part (c)
Estimate the standard errors and pairwise correlations of your parameters, using any available method.
We have chosen to use the Bootstrap method.
# ns = (379,299,222,145,109,95,73,59,45,30,24,12,4,2,0,1,1)
# 379 responded 0 encounters
# 299 responded 1 encounters
# 222 responded 2 encounters
# ...
# 1 responded 16 encounters
# to resample, we resample from the data set that includes each
# persons response, as determined by ns.
data <- NULL
for (i in 1:length(ns))
data <- append(data,rep((i-1),ns[i]))
make_into_counts <- function(data)
ns <- NULL
for (i in 0:16)
ni <- data[data == i]
l <-length(ni)
ns <- append(ns,l)
m <- 1000 # bootstrap replicates
em_steps <- 100 <- em(theta,ns,em_steps,F)
thetas <- rbind(
for (i in 2:m)
indices <- sample(N,N,replace=T)
resampled <- make_into_counts(data[indices]) <- em(theta,resampled,em_steps,F)
thetas <- rbind(thetas,
if (i %% 100 == 0)
cat("iteration ", i, "\n")
## iteration 100
## [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
## [1,] 0.0003903744 -0.0001438786 0.0017263560 0.001571458
## [2,] -0.0001438786 0.0004087653 0.0004993799 0.001813153
## [3,] 0.0017263560 0.0004993799 0.0152443668 0.015694549
## [4,] 0.0015714585 0.0018131530 0.0156945490 0.040863019
## iteration 200
## [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
## [1,] 0.0004023631 -0.0001703146 0.001697344 0.001484011
## [2,] -0.0001703146 0.0004447321 0.000419080 0.001903868
## [3,] 0.0016973442 0.0004190800 0.014398069 0.015896531
## [4,] 0.0014840108 0.0019038683 0.015896531 0.044389192
## iteration 300
## [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
## [1,] 0.0003956313 -0.0001727811 0.0016888749 0.00159774
## [2,] -0.0001727811 0.0004628827 0.0003008066 0.00181497
## [3,] 0.0016888749 0.0003008066 0.0137001437 0.01583219
## [4,] 0.0015977404 0.0018149703 0.0158321853 0.04443171
## iteration 400
## [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
## [1,] 0.0003966960 -0.0001719888 0.0016451275 0.001548858
## [2,] -0.0001719888 0.0004684167 0.0003622689 0.002003458
## [3,] 0.0016451275 0.0003622689 0.0137218437 0.016201510
## [4,] 0.0015488580 0.0020034577 0.0162015099 0.046175397
## iteration 500
## [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
## [1,] 0.0004135674 -0.0001873768 0.0016694824 0.001624097
## [2,] -0.0001873768 0.0004681143 0.0003021341 0.001786532
## [3,] 0.0016694824 0.0003021341 0.0136412731 0.015939754
## [4,] 0.0016240973 0.0017865318 0.0159397544 0.043573619
## iteration 600
## [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
## [1,] 0.0004111393 -0.0001937508 0.001653108 0.001534535
## [2,] -0.0001937508 0.0004822347 0.000260584 0.001829480
## [3,] 0.0016531076 0.0002605840 0.013451057 0.015368992
## [4,] 0.0015345352 0.0018294799 0.015368992 0.042992734
## iteration 700
## [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
## [1,] 0.0004259534 -0.0001994680 0.0017338084 0.001631373
## [2,] -0.0001994680 0.0004943474 0.0002033533 0.001795465
## [3,] 0.0017338084 0.0002033533 0.0136916465 0.015681755
## [4,] 0.0016313734 0.0017954653 0.0156817555 0.043016583
## iteration 800
## [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
## [1,] 0.0004134958 -0.0001932351 0.0016624262 0.001607135
## [2,] -0.0001932351 0.0004925245 0.0002242567 0.001774913
## [3,] 0.0016624262 0.0002242567 0.0131371751 0.015149211
## [4,] 0.0016071351 0.0017749127 0.0151492114 0.042293737
## iteration 900
## [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
## [1,] 0.0004139774 -0.0002014407 0.0016479052 0.001583003
## [2,] -0.0002014407 0.0004968611 0.0001793993 0.001649937
## [3,] 0.0016479052 0.0001793993 0.0129764348 0.014710759
## [4,] 0.0015830026 0.0016499365 0.0147107588 0.041445055
## iteration 1000
## [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
## [1,] 0.0004196823 -0.0001981646 0.0016697031 0.001606301
## [2,] -0.0001981646 0.0004857090 0.0001668595 0.001625460
## [3,] 0.0016697031 0.0001668595 0.0129729349 0.014645101
## [4,] 0.0016063014 0.0016254599 0.0146451012 0.041083606 <- cov(thetas) <- cor(thetas)
The Bootstrap estimator of the covariance matrix is given by
## [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
## [1,] 0.0004196823 -0.0001981646 0.0016697031 0.001606301
## [2,] -0.0001981646 0.0004857090 0.0001668595 0.001625460
## [3,] 0.0016697031 0.0001668595 0.0129729349 0.014645101
## [4,] 0.0016063014 0.0016254599 0.0146451012 0.041083606
and the correlation matrix is given by
## [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
## [1,] 1.0000000 -0.43891212 0.71558269 0.3868409
## [2,] -0.4389121 1.00000000 0.06647277 0.3638764
## [3,] 0.7155827 0.06647277 1.00000000 0.6343647
## [4,] 0.3868409 0.36387642 0.63436466 1.0000000
Let’s try using the Hessian of the observed information matrix.
loglike <- function(theta)
s <- 0
for (x in data)
s <- s + log(theta[1]*as.numeric(x==0) +
theta[2]*dpois(x,theta[3]) +
mle <- c(0.1221661,0.5625419,1.4674746,5.9388889)
## [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
## [1,] 0.0003799048 -1.909698e-04 1.438556e-03 0.001184057
## [2,] -0.0001909698 4.657702e-04 7.132638e-05 0.001417409
## [3,] 0.0014385560 7.132638e-05 1.111722e-02 0.011376017
## [4,] 0.0011840568 1.417409e-03 1.137602e-02 0.034664940