Infini-gram: LLM-scale *-gram models

Recently, I watched a presentation on Infini-grams, which utilize a suffix array to avoid precomputing $n$-grams and allow for arbitrary context lengths, up to a suffix that is found in the training data.

This sparked my interest as I had worked on a similar project for a LLM talk I gave for SLUUG at (see my GitHub repo and the video fo the talk at where in part of the talk I demonstrated arbitrary-size $n$-grams using a recursive dictionary to store synthetic training data prefix counts to implement a crude expression tree evaluator.

Since my data was sparse synthetic data (expression trees and their evaluations), I was able to use a relatively inefficient approach to compute very large $n$-grams. The infini-gram approach is more efficient and generalizes to any kind of data, so they definitely had a more practical solution.

I started a project, n-gram projections, to work on concepts related to n-grams and how projections of the input onto the training data may be a way of thinking about OOD generalization and inductive biases. See …

Alex Towell
Alex Towell

Alex Towell has a masters in computer science and a masters in mathematics (statistics) from SIUe.